Meet our Project Artist!

With our new Body Voyager galleries set to open this summer we would like to introduce you all to Inês-Hermione Mulford, Project Artist for Body Voyager.

Inês with the nearly complete ‘Panorama’ which will be on display in our Body Voyager Galleries

Inês is an Edinburgh based realist painter who graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a BA (Hons) in Painting in in 2016 and in 2018 she graduated from The University of Edinburgh with an MA in Social Anthropology. She has been specialising in observational art and surgery for several years and has been working in and out of operating theatres since 2015. Inês has won several awards including Jackson’s ‘One to Watch’ in 2017.

While our current galleries chart the history of surgery from 1505 until the present day, Body Voyager will explore the rise in computerised and robotic technology in medicine. Body Voyager will incorporate a high level of interactive computer technology, working surgical instruments, human specimens and AV presentations to create an immersive experience. The Body Voyager galleries will take visitors on a journey through the human body exploring the way in which modern technology is changing the course of modern surgery and patient care.


As Project Artist, Inês will be producing a series of paintings that will explore and humanise the themes represented in the galleries.  Body Voyager will encourage visitors to reflect on their own feelings about the future of surgery and the surgical advancements that are currently being made.

When asked about her involvement in Body Voyager Inês said “I felt unbelievably honoured to have been asked to be the project artist for the new exhibition. For those who have been to the museums will know it is full of incredible paintings made by artists and medical practitioners alike, so it is a huge honour to think my paintings will join those walls.

My job has been to explore themes within these amazing new forms of surgery, specifically robotic surgery and present them in art form to hopefully dispel preconceived notions and to explain these ideas without words.”

You can keep up to date with all of Inês’ work via her Facebook, Instagram and website.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. bonniehofkin says:

    Fantastic art by Ines. She conveys the atmosphere of the scene yet delves into intimate detail.

    I would like to know how one becomes a “Project Artist”. I am a medical illustrator and would love to be a part of the artistic legacy of the museum. Thank you, Bonnie Hofkin


    1. Hi Bonnie. The role of Project Artist was a one-off position created specifically for our new galleries so unfortunately there will be no similar opportunities in the museum for the foreseeable future.
      Best wishes,


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